
We make monthly tournaments for different ranked players in counter strike, all our tournaments are hosted on dedicated servers, with standard competitive rules similar to Gfinity ESEA and ESL tournaments.

we want to provide a service free of charge to make sure all counter strike players can have a chance to play Real Competitive matches with there clans/ teams without having to put up with Russians or terrible team mates. 

The Casters:

Fred (LuNA) 

Dedicated CSGO player with over 700 hours in game and over 250 competitive matchmaking wins.

Matt (Rhageal)

E-Sports enthusiast, Betting God, and skin horder.


Charlie (Taylor) 

E-Sports junkie, and CSGO youtuber.

Kenny (PuLSe)

Strategical Mastermind of counter strike E-sports following the game since 1.6.


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